No restrictive conditions in a 1,7 million Euros forgery case February 22, 2018 Alexis Athanasopoulos News 0 Comments No restrictive conditions imposed to our clients after their apology before the Investigating Judge for the felony of forgery in a 1,7 million Euros case. Share This Tweet Share Plus one Pin It Share Related Posts Acquittal for non-payment of 3,6 million euros debt to the State Mr. Athanassopoulos achieved our client’s acquittal on appeal, after a first instance sentence of three… Bar Association of Larissa Conference Mr. Athanassopoulos participated in the Conference of the Bar Association of Larissa on "The institutional… 7th Conference of Hellenic Criminal Bar Association Patras, 8-9 April 2016 "The right to a defense in criminal proceedings - Aspects and…
Acquittal for non-payment of 3,6 million euros debt to the State Mr. Athanassopoulos achieved our client’s acquittal on appeal, after a first instance sentence of three…
Bar Association of Larissa Conference Mr. Athanassopoulos participated in the Conference of the Bar Association of Larissa on "The institutional…
7th Conference of Hellenic Criminal Bar Association Patras, 8-9 April 2016 "The right to a defense in criminal proceedings - Aspects and…