Hellenic Criminal Bar Association Event October 21, 2014 Lambros Hitiris News 0 Comments 21/10/2014: Hellenic Criminal Bar Association, in a special event, taking place in the Athens Bar Association, will present its positions on the Draft Code of Criminal Procedure. Share This Tweet Share Plus one Pin It Share Related Posts Acquittal for non-payment of 5 million euros debt to the State Mr. Athanassopoulos succeeded our client’s acquittal, for non-payment of debt to Municipality of Kifissia amounting… Conference for the European DA Mr. Athanassopoulos on March 30th 2016 attended the Conference held by European and International Criminal… No restrictive conditions in insurance fraud case No restrictive conditions imposed to our client after the apology before the Investigating Judge for…
Acquittal for non-payment of 5 million euros debt to the State Mr. Athanassopoulos succeeded our client’s acquittal, for non-payment of debt to Municipality of Kifissia amounting…
Conference for the European DA Mr. Athanassopoulos on March 30th 2016 attended the Conference held by European and International Criminal…
No restrictive conditions in insurance fraud case No restrictive conditions imposed to our client after the apology before the Investigating Judge for…